Digital Action, Inc. – Guidelines for candidates
The following are guidelines for candidates to follow when discussing career opportunities introduced by Digital Action, Inc. (DAI). Candidates should provide an email to their DAI representative that they’ve read and accept these guidelines.
All content on candidate resumes must be accurate and factually correct. Also spell check should be run to make sure there are no grammatical errors.
Candidates are expected to spend time researching the role by thoroughly reviewing the job description, reviewing the client web site, LinkedIn profiles of the hiring team.
Candidates should not share or discuss proprietary information learned about the hiring company during the interview process.
Candidates should not directly contact anyone that works for the hiring company without discussing first with a DAI consultant. This disrupts the communication between DAI and the hiring team and is highly discouraged.
Candidates should make their DAI representative aware of any other opportunities that they are close to the offer stage.
Sometimes DAI clients prefer to contact candidates directly for scheduling or any other communication during the interview stage. Candidates should make their DAI representative aware of all communications with the hiring company.
DAI consultants are compensated by the hiring company (DAI client) and will not charge the candidate any fee for introducing them to career opportunities.
If candidates are contacted by other recruiters but were contacted by DAI first, the candidate should advise the other recruiter and discontinue conversations regarding that role with the other recruiter.
Candidates are responsible to inform their DAI rep or management should they be contacted and hired within one year of the initial resume submittal.
Regarding background checks, candidates should inform their DAI rep as soon as possible (prior to being interviewed) if there are any criminal or driving records that might jeopardize the ability to be hired.